Campers Summer Check List
Sleeping bag (or blanket)
Flat Bed sheet or Twin Fitted Sheet
Toothbrush / toothpaste / hairbrush / towel / shampoo / body wash deodorant, etc.
Rumaal / bandana / patka / keski / dastaar (head covering)
Salwar Kameez/Kurta Pyjama or Bana **AT LEAST 2**
Track pants/jogging pants
Rain Jacket (please try to send a waterproof jacket)
Running shoes
Swim Shorts and Swim T-Shirt (no swimsuits)
Mosquito Repellent / Afterbite /or Mustard Seed Oil (as Mosquito Repellant)
Refillable Water Bottle - labelled
Backpack or Drawstring Bag
Amritdhari campers may want to bring an extra kanga and kirpan in case they break or are lost.
Please note:
No camper should bring any food (chips, pop, candy, granola bars, etc.). All food will be provided at the campsite. All food brought by campers to the campsite will be confiscated and will NOT be returned.
No camper is to bring any valuables to the campsite (cell phones, ipads, laser pens, etc). If any camper does bring these types of items they will be confiscated. If any camper possesses any of the above listed materials, the item will be confiscated and the parents will be charged a $100 fine prior to return of the personal item.
No foul or hateful language will be tolerated at camp. Khalsa Centre promotes equality for all people from different genders, races, cultures, nationalities and faiths.
Campers will be told all the rules of camp on the first day.